Upper Dry Creek Interceptor Relief Project
The Upper Dry Creek Interceptor Sewer Relief Project will provide additional sewage capacity during stormy weather in part of the Sacramento Area Sewer District’s (SacSewer’s) northwest service area. The project will install new sewer pipes and manholes in residential and commercial areas along Scotland Drive, Tartan Drive, U Street, 28th Street, and Elkhorn Boulevard.
Project Benefits
Sewer system upgrades are needed to improve performance and increase capacity. The Upper Dry Creek Sewer Relief Project will ensure our sewer facilities meet community needs, and once completed, the project will ensure continued reliable sewer service for many years.

What to Expect During Construction
We are committed to maintaining our customers’ uninterrupted sewer service during construction. SacSewer and its contractors will take all reasonable measures to minimize impacts, including traffic slowdowns, parking restrictions, detours, and lane or road closures in work zones.
We will also work to limit construction noise, dust, odor, and other typical construction impacts. However, some of these impacts are unavoidable, and we greatly appreciate the community’s patience as we work to complete this important project.
During the construction work, you will see crews, trucks, and equipment on neighborhood streets where new sewer facilities are installed or improvements are made. We will coordinate with any property owners when work is occurring directly in front of their properties. Customers’ mail delivery, garbage, green waste, and recycling pickup will not be interrupted. When necessary, crews will assist in placing bins to make them accessible for weekly pickup.

Construction FAQs
Most work will take place Monday through Friday during normal business hours, although limited weekend or night work may be necessary to complete critical tasks. The construction of this project is expected to begin in February 2025 and is estimated to be completed by October 2025.
SacSewer and its contractors will take all necessary precautions to keep the community safe during construction. We ask residents to be careful around work zones and keep children away from any active work and heavy equipment. Signage, traffic controls, barriers, and other safety measures will be used to alert and protect drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
The project will install new sewer pipes and manholes. To do this, SacSewer contractors will be cutting into the road, then using heavy equipment to dig down and install sewer pipes and manholes. Roads in these work areas will be restored or repaired per County of Sacramento Construction Specifications.